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I hope that everyone is juggling remote learning, work and family life. Please reach out if you need any assistance with your child’s work or we can help you in anyway.
If a child is unwell – there will be no expectation for them to complete their remote learning for that time, which is the same expectation when we are face to face teaching. It will be the same process that you will need to notify the office so they can marked as sick.
When a teacher is unwell it is the same expectation – someone else will cover their duty if they are onsite, take their daily check in meeting online, and when they are back off sick leave they will attend to their normal tasks, assessments and programming. I trust that you understand that again this process has not changed.
When staff are on their allocated Relief from face to face teaching, they will be able to attend to their programming and preparation, assessment and will not be available to answer emails etc.
Online protocols
The students have been fantastic and getting on their online daily check ins and are very familiar with the processes of muting their microphones unless it is their turn to contribute, using the chat to ask questions or using the hand up emoji when they want to talk. All of these things make for a smooth meeting. Any inappropriate comments or comments that are not related to learning tasks on Microsoft Teams, See-saw or google classroom will be deleted, so just a gentle reminder that children need to be responsible at all times. All teams meetings are recorded as per Catholic Education guidelines. Teachers will end all online meetings so that students cannot stay on and chat, this is again a legal requirement.
As well as the daily online check-in’s each student will have a reading or writing conference Teams meeting with either Mrs Matthews or Mrs Howell. The children in Years 1 – 2 your meetings have been scheduled, and there has been an issue with the meeting not showing up on the children’s calendars, which the ICT team at Catholic Education are currently looking at. These timetables will be shared on either See-saw or Google classroom so that students are aware of when their meeting time is.
Students have also been fantastic at uploading their work so that their teacher can mark them and see how they are going. The work that has been set is expected to be completed each day and is the recommended amount for Primary students. Please ensure that your child’s work is uploaded on a regular basis – as again teachers need to be able to see that you are completing and to assess their progress.
Blessings and stay safe,
Kirsty Beavan
I will be in touch with the families who have a child enrolled for the Sacrament of Reconciliation or First Communion this year. Lessons were due to commence this month but have been postponed due to Covid restrictions.
Children preparing for Reconciliation have been given their workbooks and I ask the families to read and work through these with your child. Reconciliation was set for Sunday 19th September, but we will need to wait and see if the Sacrament can take place on this date.
I will leave out the booklets for children preparing for First Communion in the weather shed. They will be ready for collection on Saturday. Please read through the booklet with your child to help them prepare, in case we are able to go ahead with First Communion on Sunday 17th October 2021.
I will talk with Fr George and email families when I have any updates about the Sacraments.
I hope you are able to be outdoors today, to enjoy this beautiful weather and the wonder of God’s creations.
- Liz Murray
Religious Education Co-ordinator
Attendance/Absence Notes During COVID
Thank you to everyone for assisting us with attendance during Remote Learning.
Absence notes in Remote Learning are still essential.
If you're child attends their morning meet or meets the requirements of their class teacher by checking in with them you will be marked as present on the class roll.
If a student is sick, attending a medical appointment or unable to complete remote learning an absence note will still be required.
All absence notes can be sent to
We thank you for your co-operation in this matter to assist us with our attendance requirements.
It's great to see our students during Remote Learning, you have all been doing a fantastic job. Please keep sending in your photos!
Usually we would be enjoying Book Week this week with our Parade and Book Fair. We would love if everyone could send us in some photos of you enjoying your favourite book. We have the CBCA shortlisted books at school ready for us to read.
Some fun photos of us enjoying the street Book Week Parade last year.
Student Welfare News from Mrs Clay
Mrs Clay will be checking in with our families during Remote Learning, please email her if you have any concerns.