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- E-Safety Recommendations for Technology
- Swimming Sessions Term 4
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The weather is warming up and its great to see students being Sunsmart. If students do not have their hat at school they will be asked to play in the shade. Applying sunscreen before school would also be a great idea and something we would encourage. Please make sure that all of your children’s uniforms are clearly labelled – there are lots of items not labelled in the lost property box!
Currently Year five students are starting their leadership journey. Over the next couple of weeks Mrs Clay and myself are working with Year five to identify what makes a good leader and to recognise the leadership qualities that they possess which will contribute to our St Joseph’s school community. It was fantastic that the students listed many of our ways of being as leadership qualities – being respectful, kind and responsible.
We congratulate Mrs Walsh, Luke and Millie on the news that their little family will be expanding in 2025. We have loved having Mrs Walsh on staff for 2024 and we will take the opportunity later in the year to thank her formally for the amazing contribution she has made to St Joseph’s especially with Kindergarten this year. Multiple positions have been advertised for 2025 to join our teaching team.
Blessings for a great week,
Kirsty Beavan
Mission Month
On Friday 25th October we celebrated Socktober. Our efforts raised $104.00 which will be sent to the Catholic Mission. Thank you for your generous effort.
All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day
On Friday 1st November, we celebrated All Saints’ Day with Mass presented by 5/6. This day is marked in the Catholic liturgical calendar, as a day to remember and honour all the Saints, especially the Saints who are not honoured on other days of the year. It is a time to consider the example saints offer us today and reflect on how we can imitate their holiness.
All Souls’ Day follows All Saints’ Day, on Saturday 2nd November. All Souls’ Day is a solemn time to honour, reflect and pray for the departed souls of our loved ones.
Grandparents Day Mass
We look forward to seeing all our parents and grandparents on Tuesday 19th November to celebrate Grandparents Day. We will begin with Mass at 12.15pm presented by Kindergarten, followed by a picnic lunch. Please bring lunch to share with your children.
Coffee and cake will be provided for our special visitors.
Save the Date!
St Joseph’s End of Year Mass and Awards will be held on Thursday 12th December at 10am.
Stacey Braun
Religious Education Coordinator
Term 4 |
Week 4 - 04.11.24 - 08.11.24 |
Mon 4th: | |
Tues 5th: | Week 4 Newsletter distributed |
Wed 6th: | |
Thurs 7th: | |
Fri 8th: | Lawn Bowls Yrs 3-6 |
Week 5 - 11.11.24 - 15.11.24 |
Mon 11th: | Lunch orders, Remembrance Day, Swimming 3/4 |
Tues 12th: | Swimming 5/6 |
Wed 13th: | |
Thurs 14th: | |
Fri 15th: | Swimming K/1/2 |
Week 6 - 18.11.24 - 22.11.24 |
Mon 18th: | Lunch Orders, Radio News, Swimming 3/4 |
Tues 19th: | Grandparents Day Mass/picnic lunch - 12.15pm, Swimming 5/6, Week 6 Newsletter distributed |
Wed 20th: | |
Thurs 21st: | |
Fri 22nd: | Swimming K/1/2 |
Students return to school for Term:
Tuesday 4th February 2025
Kindergarten Rest Days:
Wednesday 5th February
Wednesday 12th February
Wednesday 19th February
Wednesday 26th February
E-Safety Recommendations for Technology
E-safety is always a concern when students are accessing technology which may not be age appropriate for them. The e-safety commission has some great resources for both parents and children that may be helpful if your child is online and accessing online content. It is worth noting that most Apps eg Fortnite, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook recommend that their users be 13+
Reminder: Swmming sessions start next week. Please ensure you have consented to the event via Compass and either paid the entry fees or sent through your receipt of purchase for the season pass.
The event for the swimming sessions this term are a little different due to groups having to attend on different days.
3/4 - Mondays
5/6 - Tuesdays
K/1/2 - Fridays
If you have Children in different class groups, you will need to consent to each class group event.
There is a possibilty that we will extend the swimming sessions into week 9. If this is the case we will notify families and publish an extra event on Compass.
This term we will hold a working bee to predominantly get the vegetable patch up and running (made possible through our successful Snowy Hydro grant). It would be fantastic if there are any parents within our school community with equipment and skills that could help with tasks such as levelling a pad for the garden shed, pouring a concrete slab, putting together garden beds etc. We will also do general maintenance and clean up tasks.
We will confirm a date as soon as possible!
It is a requirement that Schools keep up to date and medically endorsed records for any student who has a medical condition or allergy (these include, but are not limited to, Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Food Allergies etc). If your child has a medical condition or allergy, please contact the office so we can ensure we have all the correct documentation.
Parents/Carers are responsible for informing the school of any medical issues and keeping the required documentation up to date.
It is imperative that we have the up to date documentation completed and returned to school.
If you need the relevant forms, please contact the office as soon as possible.
If we do not hold current documentation, parents will be responsible for providing all medical intervention.
In History, last term Years 1 and 2 really enjoyed learning about how technology has changed transport, communication, household items and toys over time. Cohen brought in an old sundial so the class could explore how to tell the time without a clock, and the class really loved making an old cup and ball toy to play with.

Yoga commenced again last week for Years 1 and 2 so we give a special thanks to Nicki for taking the time to teach the children yoga movements, breathing and mindfulness.

Years 3 – 6 have been having a wonderful time at Friday sport learning the skills of Lawn Bowls. A huge thank you to the volunteers from the Adelong Bowling Club who have been teaching the students, we really appreciate your time.

- Grounds Maintenance Roster
With the weather warming up the grass is starting to grow much quicker! Please please keep an eye on the grounds so that they are mowed when required.
When you have completed the mowing, please let the school know so that the office can contact the next person on the list.
Section A | Section B |
Shiels Family | Frank Corbett Family |
McMahon Family | Edward Bowden Family |
Henry Family | Malone Family |
We would like if families could check if some of the areas in your allocated section need whipper snipping eg; around trees, rock/rockeries etc.
Please ensure you have re-filled the fuel tanks on the mower or whipper snipper after you finish and advise the school if we require more fuel. Please also advise the school that you have mowed so we can let the next Family know that it is their turn.
Keep up to date with events happening at St Joseph's via our electronic school calendar (please note dates can be subject to change).
Dear St Joseph's families,
We have a missing navy school jacket size 10 which is brand new, lost on Tuesday. If everyone could check their bags / jackets to see if they may have an extra one, it possibly has a name of Billy Roche on it.
Many thanks everyone for your assistance.
Adelong Liturgy Roster - July - Dec - 2024
Mass times for Adelong: 8:30am - 1st & 3rd Sunday.
Adelong Junior Cricket is starting up again and we are looking for more players. If you are a child, aged between 8-12 and keen to have some fun at cricket, join us at the Adelong Cricket Nets (at the Adelong Showground) every Thursday from 3:30. Games are on Saturday mornings, either in Adelong, Tumut or Gundagai.
It doesn't matter if you haven't played before- all levels of ability are welcome. No gear is required as the club has lots of kits that can be used.
Check out our Facebook page or just come down to the nets on Thursdays to get involved.