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A beautiful dinner last night with Yr six parents, students and staff to celebrate the end of Primary school at St Joseph’s for Taylor, Lily, Laura and Oliver. It was a lovely night organised by parents – a huge thank you to Nicki for all her work in getting everything in place and ensuring that it was a special night for our four Yr sixes and their parents. A great time was had by all especially when the dance moves came out!!
Our current Year five students have been busy making leadership posters that tells students a little bit about themselves, what leadership qualities they have as well as what they hope to do in 2025. Those students who have nominated for school captain will present their speeches to the rest of the school on Friday morning. St Joseph’s students will then vote for school captain and the other leadership positions that the children have nominated for. We look forward to working with a great group of Yr six leaders in 2025.
The silly season is indeed upon us and it is a little bit frightening how quickly the end of year is rapidly approaching. It is quite busy at St Joseph’s over the last weeks of the school year– lot’s of events happening, please continue to check Compass and ensure that you have consented to Vortex and the pizza orders, and are aware of all the end of year happenings.
We look forward to our end of Year Mass and awards presentation next week at the Adelonia theatre, Thursday 12th December. It is our last official school event for the year and we are excited to celebrate with students and families at our mass and also recognise students for their hard work, effort and achievement throughout 2024.
Congratulations to Kruz who was baptised today with his family and class mates around him. Bonnie and Kruz also celebrated their first Holy Communion which was a really special occasion. Thank you to Fr Joe who celebrated with us and to Miss Braun in her preparation of both Bonnie and Kruz.
Blessings for a great week,
Kirsty Beavan
Today was a special day for the 3/4 Class as we had the privilege of celebrating two beautiful sacraments for Kruz and Bonnie.
Kruz received the Sacrament of Baptism, marking the beginning of his journey in the Christian faith and becoming one of God’s children. Both Kruz and Bonnie celebrated the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, receiving the Body of Christ for the first time.
The sacraments were celebrated during a beautiful Mass led by Fr Joe. Celebrating today as a school community with parents and family members present created such a sense of joy that made the day truly special. We also congratulate Eva and Reuben on altar serving for the first time.

End of Year Mass and Awards Presentation
St Joseph’s will celebrate the End of Year Mass and Awards presentation on Thursday 12 December at the Adelonia Theatre, commencing at 10am. Family and friends are most welcome to attend. Students will walk down after morning assembly and roll call. The Community Council will be providing morning tea for our Parents, Carers and Families.Christmas Appeal
Christmas, while a time of celebration, can also be a difficult time of year for some. With the help from our St Joseph’s families, we can help to make Christmas a more positive time of year through the spirit of giving.
Families are invited to support the Christmas Appeal by donating gifts and/or non perishable items such as tea, coffee, milo, long life milk, long life juice, jelly, pancake mix, etc. Baskets are set up in the foyer for donated items. Hampers are then delivered to those in need in our community.
Stacey Braun
Religious Education Coordinator
Term 4 |
Week 8 - 02.12.24 - 06.12.24 |
Mon 2nd: | |
Tues 3rd: | Swimming K/1/2, Week 8 Newsletter distributed |
Wed 4th: | |
Thurs 5th: | Sport Awards Assembly 9.00am, Kirra Pendergast Workshops |
Fri 6th: | Swimming 5/6 |
Week 9 - 09.12.24 - 13.12.24 |
Mon 9th: | Radio News, Lunch Orders |
Tues 10th: | Vortex Excursion |
Wed 11th: | |
Thurs 12th: | End of Year Mass & Awards Ceremony 10.00am Adelonia Theatre |
Fri 13th: | David Enever Concert |
Week 10 - 16.12.24 - 20.12.24 |
Mon 16th: | Lunch Orders |
Tues 17th: | Week 10 Newsletter distributed |
Wed 18th: | Last day of Term 4 |
Thurs 19th: | |
Fri 20th: |
Students return to school for Term:
Tuesday 4th February 2025
Kindergarten Rest Days:
Wednesday 5th February
Wednesday 12th February
Wednesday 19th February
Wednesday 26th February
It is a requirement that Schools keep up to date and medically endorsed records for any student who has a medical condition or allergy (these include, but are not limited to, Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Food Allergies etc). If your child has a medical condition or allergy, please contact the office so we can ensure we have all the correct documentation.
Parents/Carers are responsible for informing the school of any medical issues and keeping the required documentation up to date.
It is imperative that we have the up to date documentation completed and returned to school.
If you need the relevant forms, please contact the office as soon as possible.
If we do not hold current documentation, parents will be responsible for providing all medical intervention.
On Tuesday 10th December, all St Joseph's Students will attend Vortex Entertainment Centre, Wagga Wagga.
Students will need to be at school no later than 8.35am for a 8.45am Departure. There will be an option for a Yaven creek turn off pick up in the morning. If you would like this option, please let the office know asap. Pick up for Yaven creek turn off will be at 8.50am.
Students will travel from school to Vortex Entertainment Centre where they will have their own packed recess before participating in activities at Vortex until 12.00pm when the bus will pick them up and take them to Wagga Beach playground for lunch and a play. The bus will then depart to be back at school at approximately 3.00pm.
A mini pizza and fruit box per student (from Pizza Hut Wagga Wagga) will be provided for lunch (while we will do our best to cater for everyone, we ask that if your child/ren have dietary requirements you please contact the office.)
Please ensure you have completed this Survey to let us know what topping and juice your child will have.
Please note: if your child would like more than that for lunch they are more than welcome to bring extra food in their lunch box.
Please Note: Pizza orders must be in by Friday 06.12.24
If you have not yet signed a waiver, please use this link to do so.
Please forward the waiver to for our records.
If your Child/ren will not be attending upcoming events, we ask that you please let the office know so that we are able to amend our bookings.
As we head into the school holiday period, please ensure all library books are returned to school!
5/6 have been very busy this term and have produced wonderful work in all learning areas.
In English, we have been working on writing a persuasive letter to the Arctic Council to demand action to save the polar bears from extinction. This is based on research and information gathered during the study of the novel, The Last Bear. The students have learnt how to correctly structure a letter, use complex sentences and write using persuasive techniques to convince the reader of their opinion. 5/6 have taken great interest in life in the Arctic Circle and there has been much discussion and research into how people and animals live in that part of the world.

In Religion, 5/6 have been identifying and comparing areas of justice and injustice in our local community and in the world. To do this, they have studied the Catholic Social Teachings as well as scripture to enhance their understanding of Christian leadership and making a change for those in need.
In Geography, 5/6 have been busy learning about Australia's connections with other countries around the world. They have looked at Australia's trade, tourism, technology and cooperation connections and are enjoying learning about the importance of these connections.
5/6 have enjoyed learning the theory and elements of Art this term. They have created an elements of art poster that describes the different parts needed to create a piece of art as well as a colour theory poster that explains how colours are mixed, blended and shaded to create different hues. They have nearly finished a piece of art experimenting with shading using charcoal.

It has been a wonderful term and the efforts of 5/6 have resulted in some excellent learning and work samples. Well done!
Will and Jess Reynolds and Lach and Belinda Roche are taking their boats up to Blowering Dam and are inviting all families of the school and their siblings for a day of water skiing, knee boarding, wake boarding etc
Date: Thursday 19th December
Where: The Pines (look for the school gazebo)
Time : anytime from 11am to 6pm
What to bring: your lunch/ snacks and drinks, Life jackets and a smile
(If you don’t have life jackets Will and Lach will have a jacket to fit)
If you have any questions please call
Will 0427151699
Lach 0427464494
Keep up to date with events happening at St Joseph's via our electronic school calendar (please note dates can be subject to change).
- Grounds Maintenance Roster
With the weather warming up the grass is starting to grow much quicker! Please please keep an eye on the grounds so that they are mowed when required.
When you have completed the mowing, please let the school know so that the office can contact the next person on the list.
Section A | Section B |
Henry Family | Edward Bowden Family |
William Bowden Family | Malone Family |
Hobbs Family | John Corbett Family |
We would like if families could check if some of the areas in your allocated section need whipper snipping eg; around trees, rock/rockeries etc.
Please ensure you have re-filled the fuel tanks on the mower or whipper snipper after you finish and advise the school if we require more fuel. Please also advise the school that you have mowed so we can let the next Family know that it is their turn.
Adelong Liturgy Roster - July - Dec - 2024
Mass times for Adelong: 8:30am - 1st & 3rd Sunday.