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- Principal's Report
- Religious Education News
- Upcoming Dates
- Kindergarten Rest Days
- Medication
- Communication with Teachers
- School Photos
- 2025 School Fee Schedule
- Counsellor Service
- Piano/Keyboard Lessons 2025
- Western Region & Archdiocese Swimming Carnival
- Swimming Presentation
- Community Council News
- Meet our Kindergarten Students
- Awards
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- St Joseph's Calendar
- Mowing Roster
- Parish News
- Lunch Orders
- MacKillop Trials
- 2025 Adelong Show
- Notice Board
Last week it was a fantastic way to start the school year with our Opening School Mass and Information Sessions. A big thank you to all of our families that were with us to celebrate this special occasion and to watch our Yr 6 students receive their leadership badges and to officially welcome our Kindergarten students to St Joseph’s.
Our information sessions in classrooms were a great way to inform parents what is happening in our classrooms and to provide some detail about the great learning that will take place in 2025.
We held a very successful swimming carnival last Wednesday where our students gave it their all! Again a HUGE thank you to all parents that came on the day to cheer on our swimmers, helped out with time keeping and also with pack up at the end of the day. Your help is always greatly appreciated.
School fees for Term 1 will be released shortly and we are aiming to have all outstanding school fees finalised before this happens. I made contact with families last week asking for your assistance with this matter – please make sure that you make contact with me if you need to discuss this further.
Positive behaviour is always reinforced at St Joseph’s and as you are aware our five ways of being are a constant focus both in and out of the classroom. They are the focus of our weekly Principals awards, displayed around the school and classrooms for students to see and refer to and at the end of every play time teachers give a shout out to students who are demonstrating these ways of being. It is great that all students know and understand St Joseph’s five ways of being.
Staff are continuing their Professional Development in 2025. All staff watched demonstration lessons with our HITP coach Brooke Schembri, as well as getting feedback from Brooke after observing staff teach in theie classrooms. Staff have participated in Initialit training, Classroom support PD and also Catalyst onboarding for new staff.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Kirsty Beavan
Thank you to all families who came last week to celebrate our Opening School Mass. It was wonderful to officially welcome our Kindergarten students and present our Year 6 students with their leadership badges.
Parish Mass
St Joseph’s is rostered on for Parish School Mass on Sunday 2nd March at 8.30am (this weekend). Please let me know if you are able to attend so I can distribute jobs/readings. It would be lovely to see as many children and families attend.
Ash Wednesday Mass
Ash Wednesday Mass will be held on Wednesday 5th March at 10am. We welcome the school and parish community to attend.
- Immaculate Conception’s Church, Tumut is at 8am at the Church. All welcome.
- St. Patrick’s Church, Gundagai is at 12pm. All welcome
- St. James’ Church, Adelong is at 10am. All welcome
- St. Mary’s Church, Batlow is at 12.15pm. All welcome
Many thanks,
Stacey Braun
Religious Education Coordinator
Term 1 |
Week 4 - 24th February - 28th February | |
Mon 24th: | |
Tues 25th: | |
Wed 26th: | Kindergarten rest day |
Thurs 27th: | |
Fri 28th: | Yr 2-6 Swimming Sessions, Swimming ribbon and medal presentation 9 am |
Sun 2nd: | School Parish Mass 8.30am |
Week 5 - 3rd March - 7th March |
Mon 3rd: | Lunch Orders, Archdiocese Swimming Carnival - Boorowa |
Tues 4th: | Soccer Gala Day - Tumut |
Wed 5th: | Ash Wednesday Mass 10.00am |
Thurs 6th: | |
Fri 7th: | Yr 2-6 Swimming Sessions |
Week 6 - 10th March - 14th March | |
Mon 10th: | Lunch Orders, Radio News |
Tues 11th: | |
Wed 12th: | Kindergarten rest day |
Thurs 13th | |
Fri 14th: |
This Wednesday is our last Kindergarten rest day! We are looking forward to Kindergarten joining us at school on Wednesdays!
Attached below is a medication authorisation form. This is required to be filled out if your child requires medication to be taken at school. The medication and this form should be taken to the office to be stored correctly and staff will manage the administering of the medication. This form can also be found on our website.
Please note:
This is a new version of this form as it has recently been updated.
Please feel free to email or ring your child’s teacher to make an appointment to see them if you would like to discuss any matters or check in. Teachers are always busy preparing and planning for lessons so it would be great if you could arrange a suitable time for both yourself and the teacher. Please be mindful that teachers will endeavour to respond to emails/phone calls as soon as they can within school hours.
School fees will be processed in the coming weeks and statements will be forwarded to our families.
Please find following a schedule outlining the 2025 fees at St Joseph's, families can pay for fees in full for the year, each term, fortnightly or weekly payments. On 5th December, 2025 all outstanding fees need to be paid.
Payments need to be made using your Bpay biller code and unique reference number. This is found on your fee statement.
We do ask that families avoid using CompassPay to pay for school fees as the school does incur fees for this option.
Piano/Keyboard lessons are available at school during school hours in 2025.
Ages: Year 1 upwards.
LessonDuration: 1/2hour individual tuition by Vanessa Edwards.
For enquiries please phone: 0448609479
Western Region & Archdiocese Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to everyone that represented St Joseph's at the Western Region Swimming Carnival in Tumut yesterday. We have had many reports to say how well everyone went! Below are a few snippets of the day!
We have four students who will now represent Western Region at the Archdiocese Swimming Carnival in Boorowa next Monday 3rd March 2025.
We wish Ollie, Josey, Henry and Brydee all the best!

It is that time of year again, the Adelong Show will be Saturday March 8th. St Joseph's together with Adelong Public will again run the Adelong Schools BBQ at show. It is a wonderful opportunity to come together for our community event that will benefit both schools and students.
Please help by popping your name on the roster.
On Friday afternoon help will be needed to take items from school to the showground and setup. Sunday morning help will be needed to pack up and take items back to school.
Meet our Kindergarten Students
Our Media Leaders, Amber and Primrose will showcase our new Kindergarten Students in our Newsletters!
Keep up to date with events happening at St Joseph's via our electronic school calendar (please note dates can be subject to change).
- Grounds Maintenance Roster
Families please keep an eye on the grounds and let the office know you have completed it so we can contact the next Family on the list.
Section A | Section B |
MacDougall Family | William Reynolds Family |
Brown Family | Bamblett Family |
Walsh Family | Matthews Family |
Please ensure you have re-filled the fuel tanks on the mower or whipper snipper after you finish and advise the school if we require more fuel. Please also advise the school that you have mowed so we can let the next Family know that it is their turn.
If you are on Section A, whilst the new build is underway, access to most of the area is blocked off. Can we please ask that you mow the front nature strip, between the tennis court and the front fence, between the tennis court and the classroom and around the front of the school building near the water tank.
Mass times for Adelong: 8:30am - 1st & 3rd Sunday.