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- Principal's Report
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- MacKillop Swimming Carnival
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- Easter Hat Parade
- Meet our Kindergarten Students
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- Miss Soulsby's Mock Wedding
- St Joseph's Calendar
- Mowing Roster
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- MacKillop Trials
- Have your say on the Multipurpose Evacuation Centre DA
- Notice Board
- Lunch Orders
Welcome to Week 8! It has been a busy time for our Yr 3 and 5 students who have completed their NAPLAN assessments for 2025. All children gave it their all and should be pleased with their efforts.
There is a lot of sickness in our school and the wider community. The gastro bug which has been going around seems to be lingering. If your child has symptoms please keep them home and when they are back to 100% they are welcome to return to school. It is often when students are tired and run down that they get sick, so ensuring they make a full recovery and not make students around them unwell is really important.
It is always a great idea to check the school calendar as it is a really busy time of the year with many events taking place over the last few weeks of the term.
A friendly reminder about arriving at school on time. The first bell goes at 8.55 am and from 9.00 am we are in prime learning time. Being consistently late does mean that your child is missing valuable learning opportunities and we need to ensure that our students utilise all learning time in a school day.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Kirsty Beavan
As we enter into the third week of Lent, we continue our journey of reflection, prayer, and renewal. This season calls us to deepen our faith, strengthen our hearts in love, and seek God’s presence in our daily lives. Let us take a moment to pause and pray:
Heavenly Father,
As we walk this Lenten path, help us to open our hearts to Your grace. Guide us in patience, kindness, and compassion toward others. May our sacrifices draw us closer to You, and may we find strength in Your endless love.
The year 6 leaders will hold an Easter Egg raffle to raise funds for Project Compassion - Caritas. Caritas Australia is the international aid and development organisation of the Catholic Church in Australia. Tickets are available for $2.00 each during recess and lunch times. The raffle will be drawn after the Easter Hat Parade.
Stacey Braun
Religious Education Coordinator
Term 1 |
Week 8 - 24th March - 28th March | |
Mon 24th: | |
Tues 25th: | |
Wed 26th: | |
Thurs 27th: | |
Fri 28th: | Cross Country |
Week 9 - 31st March - 4th April |
Mon 31st: | Lunch Orders, Radio News |
Tues 1st: | 5/6 Habitat Day Excursion |
Wed 2nd: | MacKillop Swimming Carnival |
Thurs 3rd: | K/1/2 Library Story Time Excursion |
Fri 4th: | Brumbies/SIRU Rugby Gala Day - Tumut |
Week 10 - 7th April - 11th April | |
Mon 7th: | Lunch Orders |
Tues 8th: | Week 10 Newsletter distributed, Netball Schools Cup - Tumut |
Wed 9th: | |
Thurs 10th | Easter Hat Parade 12.30pm, Student's last day for Term 1 |
Fri 11th: | Staff Development Day |
Dear St Joseph's families,
We have a missing navy school jacket size 8 which is quite new, lost about two weeks ago. If everyone could check their bags / jackets to see if they may have an extra one, it possibly has Sutherland written on it.
Many thanks everyone for your assistance.
We would like to wish Ollie all the best for his swim on Wednesday 2nd April at the MacKillop Swimming Carnival!
Meet our Kindergarten Students
Our Media Leaders, Amber and Primrose will showcase our new Kindergarten Students in our Newsletters!
On Thursday the 20th of March the students of 5/6 put together a mock wedding for Miss Soulsby. We all dressed up and the rest of the school came and watched. We all had special roles and we played them to the best of our abilities.
Bridesmaids - Alice, Eva, Prim
Best men - Billy, Reuben, Woody
Flower girl - Brydee
Priest - Braxton
Ring Bearer - James, Bonnie
Mr Soulsby ( Miss Soulsby’s Dad ) - Amber
Jacko - Christopher
The bridesmaids dressed Miss Soulsby to look her best and the whole school loved the wedding. In the end there was lots of laughing and clapping. We all wish her the very best for her upcoming wedding.
By Alice and Bonnie
Keep up to date with events happening at St Joseph's via our electronic school calendar (please note dates can be subject to change).
- Grounds Maintenance Roster
Families please keep an eye on the grounds and let the office know you have completed it so we can contact the next Family on the list.
Section A | Section B |
MacDougall Family | William Reynolds Family |
Brown Family | Bamblett Family |
Walsh Family | Matthews Family |
Please ensure you have re-filled the fuel tanks on the mower or whipper snipper after you finish and advise the school if we require more fuel. Please also advise the school that you have mowed so we can let the next Family know that it is their turn.
If you are on Section A, whilst the new build is underway, access to most of the area is blocked off. Can we please ask that you mow the front nature strip, between the tennis court and the front fence, between the tennis court and the classroom and around the front of the school building near the water tank.
Mass times for Adelong: 8:30am - 1st & 3rd Sunday.
Rugby 7s Girls - Registrations Closing 7th May
Touch Football - Registrations Closing 6th May
Rugby Union - Registrations Closing 20th May
Football (Soccer) - Registrations Closing 2nd April
Have your say on the Multipurpose Evacuation Centre DA
12 March 2025
Now that the DA has been placed on public exhibition interested community members can view the documentation and make a submission relating to the application.
To give the public more time to review and submit feedback, the statutory 14-day exhibition period has been extended to 28 days and submissions will be open until 8 April 2025.
All public submissions will be provided to the New South Wales Southern Regional Planning Panel (SRPP), the independent body responsible for the final decision on the DA.
How to make a submission
Submission can be made on the New South Wales Planning Portal by following this link or by email to
What to include in your submission
- Name
- Address
- Email address
- Phone number
- Development Application number - DA2025/0026
- Your reasons for support or objection to the planning merits of the application
Under Section 10.4 (5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, any person lodging a submission is also required to declare any political donations which may have been made 2 years prior to the making of the submission.
Submissions close at 5pm on Tuesday 8 April 2025